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All About that Love

As I was sitting with my kiddo in the bathroom one night (anyone else's kid ask for a "poop buddy?") we were going over the things that are important to us and what would be important the families we work with. For us it always comes down to love. And since Riley is learning to read and spell things, of course he spelled out love: "El, oh, vee, e." He is also fascinated with how the sounds of letters might be spelled, and when we spelled out those sounds and put them together, we got Ellovee! I fell in love, pun intended. And since we're telling stories here, not just taking photos, Jordan suggested Ellovee Stories. Since that night, it's all I can think about, telling your stories. The real, the raw, the messy, and all of it full of so much love and magic.


I've spent years using my camera to capture all the magic it can. Lately I'm using that magic to transform who I am. A lot of that will be written about and shared here. Follow along if you're a fan of love and light and magic. There's plenty and we want to share it with you.


Love, Jordan, Riley, and me, Mindy

The Name: About
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